Workers of Ogwadeni:deo: on July 19th and 20th a supermajority of you and your co-workers voted to unionize with CUPE. There is still the outstanding jurisdictional issue meaning your employer has challenged if you should be unionized under provincial or federal jurisdiction. Because of this, we are also going through the process for a Federal Union card so that no matter what, you will have the union rights you have organized for and the majority of you supported.

Sign a card

Here’s how you sign a card:

Step 1Click here to sign your card through Adobe Sign. You will have to fill out both a short initial form and then fill out and sign an Adobe form. Once you have filled out the form you will also be sent an email confirmation link – your card is not signed until you click on the link in the email to confirm.

Step 2: Send your $5 application fee by e-transfer to The $5 application fee will be automatically deposited. For a Federal Union drive, there is a $5 application fee that is required by the Canada Labour Code. That collected $5 goes back to your local as your collective resources.

Once your card is signed and you’ve sent your application fee, you’re on your way to a fair contract, better working conditions and wages, and a strong union for Ogwadeni:deo workers.